You deserve the best… Choose our escorts…



I am a splendid companion, hot, sensual, with an angelic face, and a very seductive body made for pleasure, enjoy my huge breasts, my small waist and my perfect rear. My passionate kisses will take you to heaven, I guarantee an unforgettable encounter of sex and complicity.

Request your servicel 3176559878 - 3113178095, atencion 24 horas

Adamali Adamali Adamali
Adamali Adamali

Age: 26 years
Breast size: 36C
Height: 1.63 cm
Hair: Blond
Eye color: Coffee
Additional services: Yes

Service value 1 hour: 120 U$D
Value 2 hours: 200 U$D
Value 3 hours: $ 290 U$D
Value night: 570 U$D
24 hour value: 1.140 U$D
You deserve the best... Choose our beautiful companions and escorts…